How to Start Working Out After a Body Contouring Procedure

2 Min Read: 

Body contouring is perfect for those who want to get rid of stubborn fat and improve their contours. Many patients are very happy with their results and understand that it is their responsibility to maintain them. One of the best ways to keep the excess fat at bay and enjoy long-term effects is to exercise regularly. 

woman working out after body contouring

In the months following your recovery, you may decide to start or get back to working out again, and to ensure that you do not hurt yourself, here are a few tips to follow. 

Be Sure to Warm Up

It is critical to warm up before your workout to avoid straining or pulling on your skin or muscles during your exercise program. The warm-ups and exercises you choose should be compatible with your procedure. Light yoga may be a great way to stretch and warm up the muscles traditionally, but it can be harmful to patients who have had tummy tuck surgery or a body lift surgery if resumed too soon because it could stress the incisions. Try taking a walk, and when you’re ready, level up to a light jog. 

Once you are finished exercising, stretch again to ensure that your muscles can rest and heal properly between workouts. 

 Most surgical procedures require you to wait at least six weeks before participating in any vigorous activity. Ask Dr. Alexander if your body is ready to resume exercise.


Taking walks starting the day after your surgery encourages blood circulation throughout the body. Healthy blood circulation is essential for healing, and walking is an easy first step to getting back to your normal activity. Even if you are used to doing more strenuous forms of exercise, walking is still where you need to start. 

Listen to Your Body 

It is important to make sure that you stay in tune with your body while doing exercises. You may need to stop or minimize the intensity of your workout if you are feeling pain or strain. Be patient with your process, and allow your body the time to get back into more rigorous movement. 

If you find that your pain during movement is persistent or is getting worse, contact your surgeon to make sure there are no complications with your recovery. In some cases, even after the advised healing period, body contouring patients are not ready to resume strenuous activity.

Everyone heals differently. Listen to your body and try not to put any unnecessary strain on your new contours.

Tailor Your Exercise for Your Results

Targeting your exercises to the areas that were improved by body contouring can help you maintain the results you’ve gained. When you start working out more rigorously, consider taking on exercises that target these areas. 

Want to Learn More?

Please contact Dr. Alexander by calling 954-589-0722 or 305-756-8743 or filling out this form for a consultation if you would like more information about body contouring.